

when everyday starts to feel like it’s the same, what’s your escape?
what reminds you that you’re alive?
Close the door behind me.
let out a cough.
start walking.
I stare up in search of the stars as I disappear
between the buildings and off into the night.
In my own little world, I’ll stay awhile.
searching for clarity.
peace of mind.
- i wonder -
with so much darkness…
what is this life?

but, the moon lights up the night sky.
and even the streets are illuminated by lights.
lost in the calm.

"Looking at the work of photographer Brian Scott invokes the feelings of getting drunk alone, longing for someone, and getting sad. The shapes, shadows, reflections and muted colours give the images a dark subtext. It feels like a summer ad for patio lanterns and summer fun but the subject is alone, not partying and not having any fun. I feel for these poor tortured souls and it feels like they feel for me. In this moment it’s just me and them sharing our mutual feelings. It’s beautiful, emotional photography that leaves a lasting impression."

-- chaoticutopian.

                                                       Check out my interview with Chaotic Utopian here!    

  Check out my feature with Sessions Mag here!
