wishes on empty promises.

There's a time and place; if I knew any better, I'd be able to catch it before it slipped by.

She kept taking her chances on falling stars, making wishes with eyes closed.

I never made it.

She kept wishing.

Model: Adena Alexis

I've already killed tomorrow.

Model: Mandee
Manhattan, NYC

In my head, I've already killed tomorrow. And, I know that it's all just in my head. But still, the days slip by before I can even notice. They slip right on by me and well, I don't give anything a good chance anymore.

Oh, what this life does to us. And oh, the secrets that every single one of us holds. Can you look back into your reflection these days or are you dodging yourself at every turn? Which side of the coin do you stand on? 
Oh, the things we've seen and done, raise your glass high and make peace to the things better off forgotten.

with my thoughts and a dial tone.

Model: Natalee.
Chester, NJ

I felt the fever finally break and pass over the other night. There was this sudden moment and the spell finally felt broken, like I was lifted out of a deep fog and could finally walk away from all of this.
I've been sitting, waiting for this moment to hit me because, it's what I needed. I know that you can try to change at any point you decide, but I've learned that change means nothing if your mind and your heart can't align.
It was a strange moment, to feel so free and anxious to begin new again, but not having any idea on where to go from here. But, I guess that's all in the magic of life and how the light will always find it's way to you.

like night and day.

Model: Brielle.
Morristown, NJ.

She doesn't wait around for life; instead, she makes her own magic out of nothing. She makes her own light in the dark spaces, like nobody I've seen before. She believes in music and that songs could change your life. Maybe, even your very soul. She'd rather wander lost in new places than sit inside all day. She's like a dream and I'm hooked onto every word she says.

Like night and day, she glows like the sun; and like the moon, she illuminates the night.

I think that real angels might hide in stranger places than we would ever think to look, but they're out there, waiting with their hands out and ready to take us in.