She was caught somewhere

between her own angels and demons.
Model: Chelsea, NJ

We're just living examples of the light and the dark, what's in your heart speaks through you -- even without words.

We're all just poetry in motion....

We're all much more simple and beautiful than we let others believe -- or even our very selves.

Dance in the emptiness and expose yourself, down to your very core.

You're just living poetry, carrying on in silent moments.

like a bad habit, your life will fall and keep falling; until you fight back.

Model: Caitlin, @cbooda
Somewhere in NJ


Wonderland isn't so wonderful.

Reality will begin to haunt you and your illusions will begin to suffocate you.

Break free.
Break free from your illusions.
Break free.
See through it all and come back.

Break free.