Butterflies & Deja Vu

Model: Bianca

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Model: Sharmila
Princeton, NJ

have you seen her?
the girl in the red dress

follow her down
the girl in the red dress

only if you dare
to question it all

because, the things that you think you know --
they're not at all the same in her world.

the girl in the red dress,
she'll draw you into the greens

she’ll draw you in —
to the dead of the woods

the girl in the red dress,
she's a dream, she's a nightmare

have you seen her?
the girl in the red dress

I've been trying to remember who i am

but, maybe he doesn’t exist anymore.
Maybe, I was never who I thought.
Just a ghost, a shadow, a thought….

Ft. // Self

I can see it again…….
Every other page there's something gone.
I need another reason to live, yeah.
I don’t even know how I lost it and now I'm sleeping with these dreams —
I can't stop playing in my head;
There's one in which I’m drowning and then
One where I'm beginning to start over new. “

—— The Dangerous Summer