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Model: Sharmila
Princeton, NJ

have you seen her?
the girl in the red dress

follow her down
the girl in the red dress

only if you dare
to question it all

because, the things that you think you know --
they're not at all the same in her world.

the girl in the red dress,
she'll draw you into the greens

she’ll draw you in —
to the dead of the woods

the girl in the red dress,
she's a dream, she's a nightmare

have you seen her?
the girl in the red dress

into the woods

Model: Matisse
Somewhere in NJ

We were making wishes in poisoned waters.
We’re chasing the things inside of our heads,
while missing everything in front of us.

With blackened hearts,
we’re always looking for more.

We gave in;
it’s all just an illusion.

hello operator:

Somewhere between North Jersey and Philadelphia. 

You told me that lately all
these days and nights have been so beautiful,
but you feel like you're a mental breakdown that's long overdue.
So, you're out here  spending late nights chasing the lights,
trying to outrun the things in your head.

It made me think of all the things that I've been chasing and wondering the worth of it and how I always feel the same way, because when everything feels too good - there's always another punch to take and I guess we just get use to all of the waiting.

While we're in the moment, we'll keep chasing and chasing as we keep hoping the night doesn't catch back up to us. And, I guess we'll be okay if we don't keep waiting around.